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Local availability of the TECNO Spark 3 KB7j is now possible; starting at Ksh 10,999 - Mobitrends ke co?

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    The 3G variant of the TECNO Spark 3 is now available for purchase locally. The availability of the smartphone comes just about three weeks after the TECNO Spark 3 Pro began selling locally.


    Wait, so how many TECNO Spark 3 devices do we have on the market?

    TECNO unveiled three Spark 3 variants. We have the TECNO Spark 3 Pro, (4G enabled 3GB RAM) Model no: KB8, the TECNO Spark 3 (3G enabled 2GB RAM) variant Model no: KB7j and the TECNO Spark 3, (3G enabled 1GB RAM variant) Model no: KB7.


    An insider source has revealed that the 1GB variant of the Spark 3 will not be available locally. Therefore, at the moment we only have the KB8 and KB7j on the market.

    The TECNO Spark 3 (KB7j) features a decent entry-level technical profile with the highlight being the display and the dual camera profile of the smartphone. The smartphone has an internal storage capacity of 16GB.

    However, the obvious pain point with the KB7j is that it’s not 4G enabled. I think this is a rather horrible way to differentiate the product considering that Safaricom recently unveiled a Ksh. 5,999 4G smartphone while the recently launched Samsung Galaxy A2 Core (Ksh. 8,999) is also 4G enabled.

    The TECNO Spark 3 therefore, lack a solid position in the market and might attract only those who care less about enjoying the 4G experience.

    The Spark 3 is available in both offline and online retail stores.

    Kevin Ndung'u

    Kevin is a tech enthusiast and the lead writer at MobiTrends.co.ke. He has been writing about smartphones and tech related topics since  October 2012. About Us | Contact Us



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