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Get the $50K Damascus Dog Tag with this Warzone 2 DMZ guide

Call of Duty: Warzone 2's DMZ mode has received significant changes in Season 2. Apart from adding Ashika Island to the Exclusion Zone, DMZ allows players to collect Dog Tags from eliminated enemies. These Dog Tags can be sold for cash in the game's Buy Stations or exfiltrate the map.

But there's more to Dog Tags in Season 2. Not all Dog Tags are equal. Some are more valuable than others. Among them all, the Damascus Dog Tag is the most valuable, fetching a price of $50,000 in-game. This makes the Damascus Dog Tag a highly sought-after item in DMZ.

Obtaining Dog Tags in DMZ is a challenging feat requiring exceptional skills and game experience. These valuable items are owned by only the most seasoned players and are often regarded as a badge of honor, signifying one's mastery of the game mode.

Guide to getting Damascus Dog Tag in Warzone 2's DMZ

VIDEO: Get The Damascus Dog Tag Solo in DMZ EASY!


As mentioned earlier, Damascus Dog Tags are highly sought-after items in the game. Apart from being rare, they have the same flair as the Weapons Mastery Camo from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019). Moreover, the Tags being worth $50,000 certainly adds to their value.

Earning Dog Tags in Warzone 2's DMZ is pretty straightforward. Players must eliminate enemies who own these Tags and loot them from their bodies to obtain them. Currently, players can acquire four different types of Dog Tags in the game. They are Bronze, Silver, Gold, and finally, Damascus. Here's how much these Dog Tags cost:

  • Bronze: $2,500
  • Silver: $5,000
  • Gold: $25,000
  • Damascus: $50,000

To earn the Damascus Dog Tag, players must eliminate an enemy with more than ten successful exfiltrates in a row. This is extremely rare, and only a few players would be on a streak of ten exfiltrates from the Exclusion Zone. Hence, the Damascus Dog Tags are extremely rare. Moreover, if a player is on a streak of more than ten successful exfiltrates, they will be seasoned veterans, and taking them down won't be easy either.

Damascus Dog Tag in Warzone 2's DMZ (Image via @LegoUnlocked on YouTube)
Damascus Dog Tag in Warzone 2's DMZ (Image via @LegoUnlocked on YouTube)

However, if players wish to skip the Damascus Dog Tags and instead earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold Dog Tags, they will have to eliminate enemies with the following streaks:

  • Bronze: 0-1 Exfiltrate
  • Silver: 2 Exfiltrate streak
  • Gold: 5 Exfiltrate streak

Acquiring these three Dog Tags would be much easier and net players a lot of money. Although not as valuable as Damascus, they will reward players with a lot of cash if sold and can be used to make their journey in the game mode easier by obtaining the necessary gear to survive.

This is all there is to know about earning Damascus Dog Tags in Warzone 2's DMZ. They are rare, and one should consider themselves lucky (or skilled) if one can acquire one. While they don't provide any competitive advantage in the game, they do help with one's in-game economy and thus make the mode a little less threatening.


Season 2 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 is live and available for download on PC (via Battle.net and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.

Edited by Srijan Sen

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