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For the benefit of Nigerians, the economy must rebound, says Tinubu

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    President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

    President Bola Tinubu on Friday in Abuja reassured Nigerians that no stone will be left unturned in his administration’s multifarious efforts to stimulate the economy and make it work for the greatest good of all Nigerians.

    The President stated this in a meeting held at the State House with the Board of Trustees of the All Progressives Congress Professionals Forum led by former Bauchi State Governor, Isa Yuguda.

    “This economy must recover for the good and greatest number of Nigerians, and we are seriously committed to seeing through a change for the better,” he said.

    To steadily ensure measured growth and enhanced public enlightenment on policy outcomes, President Tinubu said every effort across sectors will be documented and periodically reviewed for performance verification and public presentation.

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    “So far, we have taken some baby steps and pushed some aggressive positions,” the President told the APC professionals, who had earlier pledged their support for the reforms.

    While thanking President Tinubu for his bold interventions on the economy, the former Bauchi State Governor said more than two million people have been registered as professionals in different fields since 2018 and stood ready to provide structures for mobilisation and sensitization on government policies.

    “Foreign capital is a coward that does not move into unsafe areas, so with your successful interventions so far, we look forward to better security that will attract investors,” Yuguda said.

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    Name: Linda Lester

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