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December 20, 2023: The best MacBook deals

MacBook Air M2 13-inch
(Image credit: Future)

The best MacBook deals today offer solid discounts on Apple's stylish laptops. Even the latest MacBook Pro M3 is subject to discounts. 

Right now, you can snap up the 14-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Pro for $1,799 during Best Buy's Apple Sales Event. Typically $1,999, that's $200 in savings. Plus, save an extra $50 with My Best Buy Plus and drop its price to $1,749. This is the lowest price we've seen for this latest M3 Pro-charged MacBook Pro. In fact, it's one of the best MacBook deals we've seen all year. 

The MacBook Pro with M3 Pro is perfect for creators who work with advanced Adobe Photoshop functions like working with panoramic images. We reviewed the top-shelf MacBook Pro with M3 Pro Max and we were floored by its excellent overall and good gaming performance. The laptop's bright, colorful display and stellar audio also won us over. For these attributes, we gave it a high rating of 4.5 out of 5-stars and our esteemed Editor's Choice Award stamp of approval.

Throughout the holidays, we're tracking the best MacBook deals at go-to Apple retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, and B&H. See our favorite discounts below. 

Prefer a Windows laptop or Chromebook instead? Check out our best laptop deals hub for more holiday savings. 

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Hilda Scott uses her combined passion for gadgets and bargain shopping to bring you the best prices on all things tech. She has a bachelor’s degree in film and media studies from Hunter College and 11 years of tech and entertainment journalism. Her work has been featured on Tom’s Guide, iTechPost, Examiner.com, Parlemag, Enstars, and Latin Times. When she's not scouting for the best deals, Hilda’s catching up on her favorite TV shows and pro-wrestling matches.  


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Author: Chris Jenkins

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Author information

Name: Chris Jenkins

Birthday: 1953-02-15

Address: 23553 Mary Parkways, Rogersview, RI 66489

Phone: +3670615185491670

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Golf, Playing Guitar, Badminton, Kite Flying, Whiskey Distilling, Cocktail Mixing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Chris Jenkins, I am a unswerving, Gifted, steadfast, spirited, intrepid, daring, fearless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.